We’re back again for the second meetup of 2021. Amazing how fast a month goes by!

I hope everyone had a good start of the year and that you are excited to learn some more. At least we do.

We have two speakers who will tickle your brain with new ideas and concepts you take back to work. We’re very interested in both sessions.

Have a 👀 at the schedule below.

INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? Mail us at meetup@phpbenelux.eu.

📝 Schedule

  • 19:00 – 19:10: Welcome and housekeeping notes
  • 19:10 – 20:00: Roland Golla – PHPStan Captain Hook
  • 20:00 – 20:15: speaker switch and small break
  • 20:15 – 21:05: Ismael Velasco – Tech for good: Strategies for Making a Difference
  • 21:05 – 21:30: closing notes and raffle

🗣 Roland Golla – PHPStan Captain Hook

GitHooks – Effective development is what we want

How about if bugs are always found directly. Before we even push it. As a pre-commit hook. It’s just fun.

Automated tests are super cool. They made my life so much better. I am always excited to build things that find all forms of bugs. My pipelines are characterized by very different test procedures. And then came the static code analysis.

Static code analysis is so much more than just following a code standard. And PHPStan finds so much more than only errors in code. And it is so fast. It helps me to improve my work and develop myself. It shows things in my software architecture and I am obliged to work so much better and cleaner. This is just amazing. And there are many more tools that can analyze my code.

And that doesn’t need to happen remotely. No environment is required here. Like very good unit tests, they find bugs quickly. And what if I couldn’t commit an issue anymore. And this is where Captain Hook comes in. This makes it very easy to define Git hooks, execute commands and evaluate returns. That makes my job so much better and more efficient.

🗣 Ismael Velasco – Tech for good: Strategies for Making a Difference

Whether you have an existing business or technology, or are considering building from scratch, this talk will explore strategies for achieving positive social impact.

Integration: of a social mission into your own development practices (walking the talk)
Correlation: of your application to a social mission
Connection: of your user base or stakeholders to a social mission
Redistribution: of your revenue model to a social mission
Promotion: of a social mission in your application’s points of contact.

Finally, the art of finding the right partners, and why a social impact focus is not in competition with your product mission or your bottom line.

💸 Event sponsoring

We have a special raffle prize provided by Heroku containing exclusive Heroku elePHPant, socks, cards and stickers.

Long term support comes from our friends at SPATIE, the Belgian Laravel tooling factory and web agency. They produce lots of tooling for Laravel and have a great training course “Front Line PHP” to learn all about building modern applications with PHP 8. Do check it out, it’s really worth your money. SPATIE offers 5 vouchers for free access to Front Line PHP training, so definitely worth participating.

And we weren’t able to make these meetups possible without the help of IN2IT. We are super grateful to Michelangelo and his crew 👏

Interested in becoming a sponsor at our next event? Send us an email to sponsoring@phpbenelux.eu and we’ll make it happen!

👥 Join the community

We also provide a YouTube Live stream if you like to follow along in the background: https://youtu.be/_aEJIqtHp0c.


Only participants within ClickMeeting will be able to ask questions to speakers or participate in the raffle!

See you all at our meetup 👋

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